Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics Annuaire d'histoire de la métaphysique Jahrbuch für die Geschischte der Metaphysik Annuario di storia della metafisica |
Quaestio. Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics is an editorial project dedicated to the reconstruction of the history of the most important and influential concepts and themes of the metaphysical tradition.
It aims at examining their ancient or medieval origins and their reception, transformation or rejection in modern and contemporary philosophy.
The main focus of this broad horizon is the transition from medieval philosophy to the early modern period, a transition that not by chance marks the birth of metaphysics in its “disciplinary” and “systematic” meaning.
As the first issues show, the Yearbook will also consider the relation of certain contemporary philosophers to the Greek and medieval heritage.
The history of metaphysics includes naturally also the history of numerous scientific concepts (cause, substance, force, etc.) as well as the discussion of other disciplines at the “boundaries” of metaphysics itself (for instance, philosophy of religion, philosophy of language, etc.)